I was terribly nervous as Liz had told us that Clement (their son) would be there with his girlfriend who works in PR for Christain Dior!!!! Oh MY GOD what on earth to wear, would I just sit there struck dumb trying to scrabble through my tiny french vocabulary?
I needn't have worried though, it was really nice. Patrick is a giant with a mane of grey hair like a lion, but a very gentle giant, and Clement's girlfriend was lovely and spoke immaculate English as you would expect.
Richard got his guitar out after a fabulous meal and wowed them all with his singing.
The meal was amazing, you would have loved it, we started with bread and two kinds of weird sausage, one of which was Andouillete!!!If you click on that link you will get an inkling of what it was, it looks kind of like spagetti squashed into a circle, It tasted OK but I tried not to think about what was inside it..... We had champagne with Framboise in it as an apperitif. Next came a duck terrine that Patrick had made last year in the Dordognne and kept 'a la confit', it looked a bit like cat food but tasted yummy, we had it with melon & cornichon. Next came the main course which was delicious roast pork that had been cooking for 5 hours!!! It was served with the yummiest fluffiest mashed potato I have ever eaten. We had local rosé with that. By this stage my head was swimming. Next came the cheese course with 3 different kinds of cheese, 2 of which came from the mountains with Clement & his girlfiend. I couldn't tell you what they were but they were seriously yummy. Then a marvelous cake, like a large flat brioche filled with creme patissiere. Even though I was stuffed to the gills I ate every crumb. Patrick gave us a tiny glass of Angelique to have with it, a liqueur that he made from Angelica. It was truly delicious. Wow. How on earth are we going to reciprocate? Will our signature Navarin of lamb be good enough?
A bientot for now. I'll try & go for a little French adventure to show you all what else is happening here. Any requests?
my dear lovely sis I am so envious of your travels .As you bicycle along past the sun flowers,and the vines just think of what an amazing life and place in the world you have. There is definitely an art to traveling on your own!!I hope you can be brave and go exploring.As long as you keep taking photos for me XXXX
Oh Joey it looks beautiful, enjoy everything about it, I'm especially jealous of the visits to the bakers! Your navrarin is YUMMY be proud of it,
love you Sally
Girl, you are KILLING me here. It all looks so lovely, and a morning bicycle trip to the bakery through the sunflowers sounds and looks like HEAVEN.
And your Navarin of Lamb ROCKS.
Suez is right, you live a charmed life. Enjoy!!!!
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