It's the weekend and time for fun again. Friday was a public holiday here on account of it being Assumption day. There were brocantes to explore so we got up early and discovered a beauty, north of Saumur, at a place called St George sur Loire

It wasn't the féte of the gros frites but we managed to eat some anyway...

It was the most glorious day. I even got a little bit sunbunt. We managed to find a bell for the Jaques Anquetil bike and a stall selling lovely 1950's fabrics from Cholet, (famous for it's manufacture of linen handkerchiefs). I bought 5 metres of very pretty printed cotton for a dress or a quilt, (will show you later when I get round to taking a photo). I wish I'd bought more....
After the brocante Liz had told us about a lovely little village called Savenniéres. So we went to had a marvelous Belle Epoque Post office and lots of tiny winding streets.

It is near Behuard where the ghost house is. It was very quiet and we only just caught the boulangerie. There wasn't anything much to eat so oh dear we had to have nougat glacé for lunch.....we sat in the park in the centre of the village with no one else around on a millstone and ate them out of their little plastic cups with the end of the nail file (the non-nail end I hasten to ad) and our fingers. It was one of those times when you notice you're completely happy. It had a wonderful ancient Church with grotesque gargoyles around the eaves. Here's a photo of one of them come down to earth...

After all that we came back to La Fosse for a nap and then off to dinner next door at Christine & Simon's house. She of
Grand Tiramisu fame from last year. I didn't take any photos as it seemed a bit rude but boy was it good. A continuation of the fabulous gourmet-ness (is that a word) of all La Fosse has to offer.
Moving right along....this morning after wandering down to where Liz & Laure were lounging in deckchairs recovering from last night's excesses, Liz declaired that the neighbour on the other side (Monsieur Brunet, the vigneron) was open for business. If we wanted to taste some great wines we'd better get a move on.... so off we went JUST after breakfast to a wine tasting in an amazing cellar. Mr Brunet is a Gallic stunner with a nose to die for (in both ways). Here we are looking very English & restrained in his Cave
Forget about bottles it's all here still in the vats

Today will also go down in history as Laure's birthday. A little special festival tart?
Avec une candle. Twenty one today.

WOW! Sounds like a magical time. And the photos are lovely. Can't wait to see the fabric.
Happy Birthday, Laure! :-)
Thanks Kelleeeeee. We went to a fabulous little restaurant right on the banks of the river Loire last night and guess what kind of dog was at the next table????? A Dufus!!! Just like yours and he spoke French, his name was Bunty but they called him boo-boo. Ricardo took a photo on his phone but we haven't got the downloader thingy so will have to send it when we get back. Ooooh lala. You would have been beside yourself. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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