Sunday, June 03, 2007

Eye, bells, tea and cards

We had an unexpectedly nice day yesterday. It was a gorgeous sunny day.
We went over to ring the bells for a wedding at the Church at a place called Eye. A beautiful village in nearby Suffolk, with fantastic ancient houses and a very beautiful Church. The Church is a remarkable example of the "Perpendicular" period (said with a plum in the mouth) in architecture. I've written more about it here. Afterwards we treated ourselves with the money we made from ringing those wild Eye bells, to afternoon tea and cake.
After that we packed up a picnic dinner & spent the evening with Clarissa & Joe & Zebedee at the Banham Barrell. Drinking cider & playing cards on a rug. Very very nice.


skips said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh, I've been there.

JoeyJoJo said...

Yay. You have too. Better come back soon & see if it's till the same. (Although it hasn't changed in 500 years so it probably wont be much different).

Anonymous said...

It was lovely to see you and the happy family again in the photos. I miss my relaxing at Chez Ludbrook...