Thursday, May 17, 2007

Toff spotting

Todays trip was to North Norfolk. Holkham Hall in fact. A Paladian MANSION.....a bloody GIGANTIC stately PILE.
It's only an hour & a bit away from where we live but I've never been before. Richard's not that keen on the homes of the rich & rich. "Come the revolution" etc etc.

We were just in time for the daggy audio tour, but soon forgot our touristy look as we shuffled from room to amazing room, looking at Van Dyks & Poussins.
It's been great going to these places with my big Sis as she is completely entranced by the soft furnishings just like I am. Yesterday in the first grand room at Sandringham we were conspiring in a corner trying to find the joins in the silk wall coverings....a guide came up to us and asked " What ARE you two looking at?"
This goes for kitchens too....
They had cupboards full of ice cream moulds. There must have been 1000 or more deer under the trees. You can just see them here....


Anonymous said...

what's this got to do with blog toff spotting

JoeyJoJo said...

We sometimes go "Toff spotting" here to the Grand Hotel at Holkham called the "Victoria". No Toffs were spotted however on the day.