Yesterday, Kelly & I went to visit Harriet, she invited us to pick redcurrants.
An absolute golden opportunity..... few could say they had had the pleasure.
It started out as the most fabulous experience but started to get a bit tedious when we realised it had taken us 3 hours to strip the currants off ONE BUSH. (No lunch in the mean time, just some builders strength tea.)
How's this for a whopping blackcurrant.....
This morning I thought I'd just make a few quick pots of redcurrant jelly. Three more hours later & two trips to the shop for Richard to get (7 kilos of ) sugar. The kitchen looked like a crime scene.
carnage in the kitchen is right ...
unbelieveable how RED red currants are :-)
OK, indeed it IS a great picture of you and I want you home second only to wanting to be wherever you are! - and you're still gone the best part of a week yet? - GAD! - OBTAIN A SUITABLE DRIFT!
One of my Brides today looked sooo much like you at her age. I had to tell her, so then I had to tell her about how gorgeous your wedding was.
Somehow the last picture where all the WORK IS BEING DONE doesn't look like you......
So can you send me that original picture of her?11 - to my work address so there will be no size limitation, although I am sure my yahoo address will work too!
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