Richard's van broke down a couple of weeks ago & we bought a new (well VERY second hand) one. It is the same as his previous one so he took a whole load of bits & pieces off the old one & put them on the new one. A very satisfying job indeed. We towed the old one to Mellors metals. An exciting scrap yard near us, where the giant claw could come down at any time & squash you like an ant. All the fun of the fair & you get paid for it by the scrap dealer's very clean daughter.
Then after our sojourn to Sunderland Point a few weeks ago and a great deal of discussion with the all knowing fishermen & women of the North West; we decided "to Hell with the expense", we would put a diesel motor into the boat. We had one that we bought from a friend where our boat lies, but it was attched to a compressor.....more rust, diesel & dirt to get it off the compressor and to take it to....
Mr Diesel' himself, Brian Greenwood.
Brian has every man's ideal job, in every boy's ideal location. He has a workshop on what's known as 'The Broads' . With a view of boats & ducks & riverland. An Arthur Ransome story is set very nearby and there is a museum of the Broads too where these photos were taken of Ricardo in his element.
Mmmmmmmmm motors'
Mmmmmm canvas covers
Love the Bloke post- Their concerns are ours too... great to see Ric in his boating element.
And, I don't mind getting a bit grubby along side my man. Lots of love xx
Indeed Mard. Your a true femimist along with the rest of us. Love a good frock ...... Love a good bit of machinery too.
Even more exciting - on the left wall in the museum picture is an ice yacht for skating with sail. Land yachts are also a similar thing they'd be fabulous on a salt lake (if there was one handy ) Ricardo
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