She and Ricardo (and even yours truly) have been slaving away for 10 or more hours a day all week to get at least one room up to scratch. As part of the preparations we made some gorgeous tranparent natural coloured linen curtains for the room. As an even more important step we had to make up a workshop to sew them in. Oh my....who could wish for a more romantic workshop. Painted a pale purpley colour with sea grass matting that makes the whole room smell just wonderful.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Frenzy and calm
She and Ricardo (and even yours truly) have been slaving away for 10 or more hours a day all week to get at least one room up to scratch. As part of the preparations we made some gorgeous tranparent natural coloured linen curtains for the room. As an even more important step we had to make up a workshop to sew them in. Oh my....who could wish for a more romantic workshop. Painted a pale purpley colour with sea grass matting that makes the whole room smell just wonderful.
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Hello you workers of the world. What a beautiful place to toil away. Dying to know if you managed to sneak a peak at the wedding? Anyway it looks ad if you deserved the champagne.
Big love guys from all in Verfeil
Uh oh more wonky tyoing and this time I can't even blame the cat!
Boy what a difference 6 months can make!
Sally WJ - Big Love always makes up for bad spelling by miles. xxxx
Roxi - we needed you here, it would have all gone so much quicker with 2 more hands. xxxx
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