Ray decided to stay here when the rest of the family migrated to Australia in 1960 because he had just married the lovely Mary. They live in a seaside town called Felixstowe. When we go to visit them it's usually for lunch and we have a huge meal culminating in two of Mary's infamous desserts, trifle AND pink fluff in a bowl. I've never seen the sea there though as Mary can't walk all that far and it's ALWAYS raining. This time however it was the most glorious day. How's this for a typical English beach scene?
Not a single cloud. This was the only really hot day we had all summer. The reason we were in Sunny Felixstowe was because Ray and Mary both turn 70 this year and they had a party. Here's a photo of us with them and their daughter (our neice) Carolyn and her little sweethearts, Isabelle and Sarah
The happy couple. Next year will be their golden wedding anniversary.
Mary with her brother Reg. The whole gang except for Richard who was taking the photo.
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