Sunday, January 24, 2010

Freeze your tits off at the beach..

One of the hardest times living in England is in winter when it's three degrees here and thirty three in Melbourne, Australia and everyone seems to be off to the beach.
I rang my sister last week and she said it had been 44C that day and so hot that they had to go to the movies to try to get cool. On their return at 11pm there had been a tiger snake in the bedroom! Yikes maybe that's not worth the sunshine.
We had our own trip to the beach on Saturday with a whole gang of friends to celebrate the lovely Brondie's significant birthday. Even though it may look bleak at Holkham it was still an enormous amount of fun.
Being the eternal optimist I realised there are many good things about going to the beach in winter. No sunburn to worry about; you never get hot and sweaty when playing rounders; there aren't many people about and you can wear all your best clothes at once!
Welcome to wet and wild.
Richard and I both cracked up at this sign as you would have had to have a flamethrower to start any kind of spark in the damp.
The fashion icon that is Ricardo had worn his best British boots so the birthday girl had to give him a lift over any rivulets in her pink wellies.
We had a most hilarious game of rounders where nobody knew the rules and we ended up with five bases. Brondie and Russes dog Indiana Jones was the best team player, for as soon as anyone hit the ball (or missed it for that matter) he would pick it up and run as far away as possible. Needless to say everyone scored a home run so all ended up very happy.
After our enthustiastic sports fun there was lunch to be had in a yurt! Though it looked bleak from the outside
it was incredibly warm and comfy inside. The food was simple but delicious. That big round room rang with laughter and squealing children.
A great day had by all.
Thanks Brond & Russ. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Lulu LaBonne said...

That beach doesn't look bleak at all - it looks fab. What is better than running around like a bunch of happy dogs on the sand?

JoeyJoJo said...

Indeed Lulu. I felt like a happy dog.

sallywj said...

It looks fairly parky to me but I am familiar with freezing your tits off in North Norfolk! The yurt looks like a lot of fun though but could it be a steppe too far? Sorry, no more steppe jokes I promise.

JoeyJoJo said...

On your bike Wojjie. Next time your coming too oright?

skips said...

That first picture coming down to the beach is amazing! You should frame that and give it to Brondie for her birthday.

JoeyJoJo said...

Hey Skips, great idea. When are you coming over to meet Brondie in person? You two will love each other in a big way.
Aunty Joey

JoeyJoJo said...

Hey Skips, great idea. When are you coming over to meet Brondie in person? You two will love each other in a big way.
Aunty Joey