I had a lovely birthday.
It started with a cup of tea in bed with pressie opening. Followed by morning tea and sparkly cakes at Clarissa and baby Zebedee's. A mystery drive to a STATELY HOME called Anglesey Abbey, a quick visit to the Fitzwilliam museum in Cambridge and then home for a spot of bellringing in East Harling. I say how spiffing and absolutely jolly.
There was another special parcel when we got home that had been put through the door from my friend Jem ...a new book called 'The 3 serpents of the North door', by Saul Penfold, a book for older children in the style of Harry Potter about a time travelling adventure in and around Norwich Cathedral. As I was reading the forword I realised my day had come full circle...it was written by Emma Bridgewater, the very same....
Happy! Happy!
Birthday! Birthday!
Sounds like a PERFECT day and I'm going to run RIGHT NOW and put that book in my Amazon cart.
Sorry I missed the big day, but hugs and kisses from across the pond.
Thank you thank you, my buddy. Don't know if you will get it at Amazon but I know Waterstones are selling it.....hmmm if you have trouble let me know & I'll try & get you a copy.
Copies are available from Saul Penfold. Email: spenfold@cathedral.org.uk
and he'll gladly mail one out for you. All profits go towards publication costs of the next in the trilogy which is due out next March/April!
Glad you liked it...
Love Jem x
I forgot to say happy birthday to the blog.lovely sister.I hope you liked your present.Also i wondered if you knew how to find a pattern for a knitted hat like a sherpa or bolivian hat with side flaps .I have tried but cant find a pattern. You as a superior web surfer might be able to,and maybe you can help me.thankyou lovely
Hmmm let me see.What about just a normal hat from here http://helloyarn.com/wecallthempirates.htm
and then a couple of little crocheted circles for your coldy ears???
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