During the French revolution the whole village where the chateau is, was sacked and only 14 houses were left standing, 80% of the people were massacred because they were Royalists. The fire at this Chateau lasted for 15 days. Not surprisingly there are miles of subteranean tunnels under the house as a means of escape if things became too hot...
They are trying to restore it now but I think they should leave it. It's a great way of seeing how the Revolution manifested in the Loire valley, 'The Valley of The Kings'.
...... having just researched a little bit, it seems it is more complicated than I thought at first, with Protestants & Catholics pitted against one another in the wars of the Vendee .....too complicated for me to explain here, but if you're interested go & have a look at what Wikipedia says about on the link I've inserted.
nearly every day i look at your blog to see if there is something new and I just love to read about your adventures .but not every day do I have time to leave a comment so here is one today just to cheer you up lovely sister xxXXxxXXX
Dearest Thomsey. Thankyou. You know how avidly I look for them. A bit rainy here in La Fosse so we are cheering ourselves up with millefeuille.....mmmmm
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