Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Golden phoenix cushions and ladybirds everywhere!

Ages ago I acquired the most beautiful vintage kimono and today I made it up into cushions and got some up on the website.

I loved the idea of the flaming lights continuing the theme of the fiery birds.
I backed some of them with this wonderful Manuel Canovas fabric that I've been keeping for just such cushions.
Even though I should have been sewing all day, it was so glorious I did goof off this morning to have morning tea with my friend Lizzie for her birthday.
The glorious weather has brought out all the birds and a wealth of flowers. Every year I forget about some flower or other. This year it's Forsythia. It took me ages to figure out what this plant was.
The other thing I always forget about is ladybirds. This year they are absolutely everywhere. I decided to see how many I could count out my back door. One on the back door step.Then one on the back door mat.
Another on the hose beside the back door.
This one I had to save from its watery home.
Lots on the washing.
and the pegs too.
Crikey, ladybirds everywhere. Too many to count.

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