Patrick's life has gradually polished him like a pebble to make him into the most amazing man. He grew up in a tiny Mallee town called Nyah West in the North West of Victoria. In 2006 it had a population of 552. You can practically hear the tumbleweeds going through the town in this photo of the milkbar

Nowadays Patrick has used his magical ability to whistle & his talents of comedy, trumpet playing and stagecraft to work together a band of worlwide fame. Using his tumbleweed connections to the American wild west, he and 4 other very talented blokes have created the Spaghetti Western Orchestra.

Asthma Inhaler, Bass Recorder, Bassoon, Bells, Birdwings Sound Effect, Body Drop
Sound Effect, Bouncy Ball Pump, Castanets, Chickens Sound Effect, Child Sized
Boot, Claves, Coat Hangers (2), Concert Bass Drum, Concert Tom Toms, Cornflakes
(Small Packet and Large Packet), Creaky Door Sound Effect, Deck Of Cards, Double
Bass, Drum Kit, Dutch Clog & Tambourine Jingles, Egg Shakers, Electronic Sampler,
Fake Glasses, Film Canister, Bird Whistle, Finger Cymbals (2), Footsteps Sound Effect,
Frog Clicker, Harmonica (Working), Harmonica (Broken), Horseshoe, Jews Harps (6),
Kat Midi Controller (2 Octaves), Kitchen Knife with Sharpening Steel, Latchbolt Sound
Effect, Mandolin, Maracas (I Pair), Melodeon (2), Nail Clippers, Nail File, Ocarina, One
Note Saxophone, Orchestral Whip, Packaging Tape (1 Roll), Pan Pipes, Piano, Plastic
Bags (2), Policeman’s Whistle, Ratchet, Reel- To-Reel Tape Machine, Sticks And Twigs
(Locally Sourced), String Can, Suspended Cymbals, Synthesizer, Tam Tam, Tasmanian
Lottery Balls, Theremin, Timpani (3), Tin Whistle (5), Trumpet, Tuned Beer Bottles (11),
Two Tone Whistle, Ukulele, Vibraphone Wind Machine, Wooden Cowbells.
I went to see them on Sunday night in Cambridge and was blown away. The last time I saw them play was 10 years ago in a small venue in Melbourne, they were wonderful then, they are awe inspiring now.
(Richard and I went on our first date to see Patrick in another incarnation with his partner in 'Sally Ford & the Pachuco Playboys' and they were also a marvel.)
If you can I urge you to go and see the show, it's like nothing else you've ever seen before. As one of their splendid reviews says... A witty collage of stylised film dialogue, improvised soundtracks and sound effects. A masterpiece of first class arrangements of Ennio Morricone’s music, lovingly interspersed film quotations, and stunning acoustic and visual gags. Fully loaded musical theatre done to perfection. Don’t miss it!
I've just watched their showreel ... and LOVED it! And I missed their visti to Bristol/Cardiff - Gutted doesn't come near it :(((
Ohhh nooooo. Don't worry, they'll be back I'm sure.
I'll let you know if they come near you.
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