Sunday, February 13, 2011

The old Dart

Thanks to Richard's Mum and Dad who came as ten pound Poms to Melbourne on the 17th of September 1960 (a year after I was born), my heart is forever divided into two hemispheres. The flippant decision I made in 2003 to live in England had rippling consequences that I had no idea of when I said yes so easily to Ricardo's proposal of marriage on the far south coast of Australia in Eden after our brief 3 weeks of knowing one another.
My trip this time to Australia was subconsciously a trip to answer the question "Where in the world should I live". I feel that having only lived in England with Ricardo the Magnificent; if I moved back to Australia, my time in the UK would turn into a fairytale of happiness and calm. A Brigadoon that no one in Australia could ever fully understand, with Richard as the leading man in a world that simply disappeared after his death. What I found in Australia however was the same care and concern that I have here in East Harling and it's made it even harder to answer the question that goes round and round in my head every day.
Here are the last photos I took while I was away. This one first of all of my little shadow, confidante and therapist Olive Honey.
Haven't seen much of this lately!
Is it being on holiday that provides a sense of ease or is it just a case of the weather. Here is Roxi proving that life is just a bowl (or arm) of cherries. Another sunny day, swimming at North Melbourne pool.

Here she is with her diamond Python Lix.
The fabulous tomato stall at the Vic Market.
unbelievable seafood.
Unbelievable cakes too at Brunetti's in Carlton. (We had one of these for our engagement party and I'd kill for a piece right now.)
Bircher muesli and fabulous coffee at Heide's Café Vue with my darling Sis on her birthday.
The Christmas beetle that crossed our path on the walking track near Sue's house.
Here too are the last photos of Singapore with its amazing abundance of good food.
and its wonderfully multicultural side streets. Although if you look closely you can see that one of these garlands is made of lawn clippings which would be mighty uncomfortable and probably necessitate....
This...So its farewell to friends and family and amazing food and warm evening walks.


Anonymous said...

Ah Joey,it must be so hard my lovely.Your pictures and friends all look so wonderful in Aus. Really beautiful and in comparison to this freezing and grey place you find yourself in I am amazed you are still here! What ever you decide you will be supported by all of the people that love you so much. We love you whatever babe. Frankly you are not alone in the 'what am I doing here?' question.Love,love,love.Clarissa xxxx

Roxi said...

What she said. xxx

(and its carpet, not diamond, but I still love you and so does he!)

JoeyJoJo said...

Bugger I knew I'd get it wrong.
We love you tooooooo.